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new tank


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i just got a new tank 5foot by 2foot by 2foot, its the biggst i can have at the moment, i would like to put my arowana and pacu in it , how long could i keep them in there?

aro is around 15cm at the moment and pacu around 33cm, i will wait for awile befor i add the aro as it need s to grow

i may put my oscar in aswell as he is living with the pacu at the moment

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move all aro out once he gets to around 45-50cm and the pacu around 45 as they require more room and 'turnaround' space cause theyre quick. the oscar would work in that tank indefinatly if you wanted to. your pacu will need to move out the soonest as it wont take long before he is 45cm or so, and your aro is only a baby so you probably have a fair while till he needs a bigger home (not sure how quick they grow)

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