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Where to Drill holes...


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well been planning for years and finally made the big move... bought a tank. Wohooo... measure twice cut once etc so your thoughts and collective experience is most appreciated.

Tank 150 x 60 x 60. Cabinet divided into 3 equal sections.. approx 45 internal space between dividers. Planning on sump with refugium. The divider/walls are load bearing so can axe them too much.

The two end sections have made holes in the back of the cabinet.

So with the 3 x 45 space constraints. Do I put two sumps in, one on each end ... skimmer and filter in one and filter plant life etc in the other?

Needs two pumps though.

Two overflows... one on each back corner or a bigger dual in the centre feeding both sumps?

Linking the sumps and option? Not sure how that would be very reliable and not cause flooding. At this stage not sure on skimmer would like to go deltec but quite pricey.


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Two overflows... one on each back corner or a bigger dual in the centre feeding both sumps?

To me it came down to how I view my tank. It's not in-wall, so I went large single overflow as I didn't want to spoil the side views with overflows. Access is a potential issue, so I offset mind more towards the right of the tank (about 1/3rd).

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