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floating plants


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Hi all

I took some advice and bought some more clown loaches, so now I have a really cool group of 6. 8)

But since the gang formed I have noticed that alot of my previously well-established plants are now floating. :evil: I am replanting an average of one a day!!!

Is it the loaches digging them up?

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160 litre 3 and a bit foot tank

a plecostamus (but hes only little)

5 baby kribs

3 gold gouramis

2 opaline gouramis

2 royal red gouramis

4 black widows

some lemon tetras

and some neon tetras

and heaps of driftwood and hidey holes and caves and stuff

ooooh, I nearly forgot, one very subdued RTBS


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The red tail will also dig up plants.

I wonder if you cant put a plastic cylinder around the base of the plants to block access to the base, just till they setup their roots.

they are always gonna eat your plants, but I think feeding them a bit of veggies might reduce the damage to your plants?

I just recently put potted plants in with my Red tail, he killed all my planted ones, and now that i feed him spirulina discs he rarely touches the plants.


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