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Sole Surviving Buba!!


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Hey there! We been away on hols and everything is all good in our tank! (Thanks for asking MCT!) Infact things must have been exceptional!!! My last hysterical posting re possible sick tetra, must have been a pregnant tetra!!!! :oops: I'm so glad we couldn't catch her!!! We have just noticed a little 6mm tetra look alike (not blue/red yet, but same shape), swimming about under the driftwood and at the back in some grassy plant!!! :D:D:D ...the sole survivor of a tetra spawning!!!! Wow!!! We are sooooooo excited!!!! :bounce: It is soooo cute!!! :bounce: All the others must have been eaten I guess :( ....does anyone have any advice on what we should do??? - i.e just let him be, he's got this far.....or put him in a closed off part of the tank so he can get bigger???? Will he be okay since there is only one??? Wow!!! :D ....Also...we have a female platy whom we suspect is pregnant as her belly has got quite swollen...does anyone know the gestation period? I have had a lot of trouble finding this out...(books/net)....Thanks in advance for any advice and a fishie evening to you all!!! :wink:

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heya well done, hehe funny when one makes it through, had that happen couple of years back with a serpae tetra, very cute. if it's still small enough to fit in the mouths of others i'd seperate it, if not let it go for gold, put in some live food like brine shrimp and microworms for it so it grows faster.

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See if it survives on its own. It has done so so far so chances are good. Make sure there is plenty of plant for it to hide in, especially fine leaved plant like Java moss.

Platies will drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks.

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