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Out with the old and in with the ?????


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Hi all

I am wanting to get rid of my 5 gouramis (all about 10-15cm) as all they do is hide in the plants and when they are swimming, its usually right behind some poor tetra swimming for its life :-? . They are just not appreciating their surroundings!!! :evil:

What I want to know is what you guys would recommend as newbies for the tank? They would be housed with:

4 black widow

5 neons

5 black neon

8 lemon tetra

2 dwarf royal red (??) gourami

1 pleco

Smine, the RTB shark 8)

Arthur and Martha the 2 clown loaches :D

and obi wan the goby (bumblebee) :lol:

It is a 180 ltr 3ft tank.

Any ideas? Im wanting something a little slower than the tetras and a lot more placid than the gold gouramis and the ever reclusive blue ones.


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there are 3 gold ones, 2 females, 1 male (the 2 girls seem to have a very definite black tiger like striping on them) and 2 blue ones (sorry, I dont know the proper colour terminology). They have very pale black dots on them. Are they called 3 spot or something along those lines??

Im after some advice and ideas on what I can replace them with.

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Maybe the blue gouramis are being reclusive because there is not enough floating plant cover?

If you are wanting to replace them with fish that hang in the upper part of the tank, maybe livebearers are a good choice: guppies, mollies or swordtails.

Else, I think blue or bolivian rams would be a good addition - they are not too fast and fairly placid (except during breeding). They tend to be mid to bottom dwellers.

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They have been reclusive since they were moved to their bigger better tank. There are heaps of plants both planted and floating so Im not sure what their problem is.

I have another 3ft livebearer tank with guppies, swords and mollies so Im not really keen to have these guys in both tanks. I was hoping to have some nice medium size fishies to take over display duties from the gouramis :)

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id get two more clowns, clowns like to be in groups of at least 3. other than that i dunno :lol: thought bout good old angels? they can eat smaller fish if they can fit it in their mouths and they can be nasty but theyre generally pretty placid IME

good luck picking your new fishies :D

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Clown loaches are recommended in groups of 5+ Stops too much aggro between the fishes and they generally get on and are very sociable. The more the merrier as they say.

They should be fine in a 3tf tank, at least for the first 10yrs, they might start to outgrow it at that point....

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