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Guppies Tails Shrinking


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Has anyone ever had a problem with guppies and their tails narrowing down???

There is also the very beggining of White Spot in the tank. (Being treated now)

The strange change in the tails is what made me look at the fish a bit closer this morning and also when i noticed the white spot.

Some of the worse cases the tail actually narrows right down to a tip like the end of a sharpened pencil.

The worst affected guppies seem to congregate in the same place on the surface which is also where the current seems to take them.

I have Glass Cats, Bristlenose, Siamese Fighters and Clown Loaches in the tank as well. None seem to be suffering the effects of White Spot or the mysterious shrinking tail.

I have just had another look and, of the guppies that have the shrinking tail, about 1/4 of them have white spot also, so i guess from that the two are unrelated.

Any advice or help is appreciated.


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They are not unrelated. The tails you describe are a result of the fish being sick. A healthy fish has nice widespread fins but when something is wrong, they clamp their fins, which is what you describe. Whitespot is a disease they get when under stress. Something is wrong! It is possible it is affecting the guppies first and the others will follow if you don't fix it.

Have you done checks on your temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

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The temprature is fine, however im am unable to test the pH ect..

Have had carbon in filter untill i dosed it for the whitespot.

Can the testing kits be bought inexpensivly? or will pet shops test it for you?

Any one know of a place on the North Shore?

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Yeah, nitrates were fine too,

Melafix appears to be doing the trick, Tails opening back up with only one casualty so far.

Who knows what was going on, the only other thing i did was lower the lever of the tank by half so i did not have to use up so much of the medication.

All appear to be on the mend now at any rate.

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