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guppy gone wild!


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Hello, I am a new guppy owner and I was wondering why my male guppy is freaking out? He has a nice sized tank and no tankmates...but he swims around like crazy!!! is he looking for a female to court with? He has been swimming so crazy we have named him spaz! I am concerned though because I had a minnow one time that committed suicide and jumped out! He's a beautiful fish, I just would like to know how to calm him down! Any help is appreciated! Thanks

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HI Lilspartan,

More guppy lovers... great stuff, and welcome to the NZ Fishroom..

(where is Greensbro NC..?) :)

Sounds like Nashville he he.


The males do tend to look a bit crazy at times with there rushing around the tank (usually after the females) but I think in your case it is that the poor fella only knows you and no other mates, so he is happy to see you and is showing his excitement.

Suggest you get him a couple of good looking ladies to keep him happy and he may even get 'more' excited :):)

Great to have you here.

Do you have any other fish...?

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Welcome to the fishroom lilspartan

It is also possible your guppy is upset by the water conditions. Can you tell us a few tank readings (like pH, temperature, nitrates, ammonia etc). How long has the tank been set up?

Guppies like company so a few mates might calm him down. With guppies, if you want to mix the sexes, make sure you have at least 3 females for every male.

I found a dried up African cichlid on the floor today. Only a small gap in the lid but he found it! :cry:

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the water temp is about 70, the pH is normal and there is no ammonia...the air stone is working just fine, but now he is just swimming right near the top of the bowl. i have no clue what is going on...maybe he is lonely...but my roommate and i don't want another fish. any suggestions?

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Hi Lilspartan,

In your first post you say...

He has a nice sized tank

But in your last post you say...

now he is just swimming right near the top of the bowl.

Either way, if he is spending long periods on the surface then you could have a water problem.

You say you have an air stone running, so it won't be the lack of disolved oxygen, but it could be a build up of ammonia.

When did you do a partial water change last, and how much did you change if you did ..?

What does his gills look like... Are they inflamed at all.. red looking..?

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spaz (the fish) died this morning :cry: so my roommate and i are upset. We had an airstone and a filter. There was still no ammonia or high pH in the water and the water temp was about 72. His water was perfectly normal. And we did a partial water change yesterday when I vaccuumed the gravel. He wasnt in the tank when we changed it. I put him in a temporary bowl with the water from his tank just like you are supposed to. And we changed out just a little over half of his tank water, added chlor-out, let it sit for about 10 minutes so no chemicals would harm him,even though the chemicals I use are all supposed to be fish friendly. A friend of ours was up here and he owns several fish and he can't figure it out either. However, he did not eat at all in the three days that we had him, so we think now that he was sick to begin with, but we aren't sure. We are going to get another fish today when we go, which will probably be another guppy. Any suggestions? Is this a individual fish problem, or maybe a tank problem?

R.I.P Spaz

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As you were unable to diagnose the problem with the fish, it might be a good idea to leave the tank bare for a while... say a week or more, as your fish could have contracted an internal parasite that might 'possibly' be still lurking in the tank.

Most things of this nature will die off if they don't have a host (fish).. so it might just be something to consider before you buy another one.

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