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I have just moved home, and replanted my tank. I now have an undergravel heater and have used duplarit as the substrate. I fertilise with duplaplant 24. I have adequate lighting. But my crypt is all dying. The only way I can describe is it looks like it is water logged. Any ideas would be appreciated as shortly I think my crypt will be no longer

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I should have continued my surfing before writing. It seems that this occurs because of a change in conditions (setting up a new tank without seeding it with water from the existing tank) and the leaves die off. I read that the root structure remains intact and they will send out new leaves eventually, roughly 2 weeks it seems like.

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One theory about why crypts do this is that if they kept they're leaves during the rainy season (high flows in streams and rivers) they'd get washed away, by losing their leaves they present less resistance to the water flow, so don't get ripped out.

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