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Name that fish


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1. Poster gives the first clue and how many attempts are to be allowed (not class, or sub class, but possibly region only or something).

2. Each member then gets one question eg Is it a catfish? Is is a bottom dweller?

3. The same member cannot ask two questions in a row but may follow after another person has asked.

4. The poster can only answer Yes or No but may say if the member is getting 'warmer' or 'colder'.

5. The fish must be a freshwater or brackish species and still available to aquarists, either here or overseas, with recognition in fish books or magazine.

Think of games like "20 Questions" and "What's My Line?" (those old enough to remember black and white TV!) and you will get the idea.

Please start a new topic with every new 'Name that fish'

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