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stocking levels


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OK, tank is 92cm x 41 x 46 high and has a Jebo 819 filter.

Current stock...

3 gouramis

3 angels

The smaller ones are hard to count but I think it's:

about 8 zebra danios

6 Glowlight Danios

6 harlequins

6 hengeli rasboras

7 serpae tetras

7 neons

2 algae eaters (BNs I assume)

2 corys

They would like to add a pair of rams eventually but the current question is, could they add more zebra danios? They are pretty close to capacity stocking level but that filter is larger than required for a tank that size. They are very good at doing regular weekly water changes.

Opinions please.

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they are all pretty small fish and as a rule an inch of small fish is less than and inch of big fish when it comes to stocking and as you say the filter is more than enough for the tank, as long as regular water changes were done i'd see no problem with adding a few more danio's. Others may disagree but some of my tanks are technically over stocked but with over filteration and water changes i have no problems. I SAY GO FOR IT :)

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