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Suicide up North


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Just went to reposition my clam and found a very dried up 6 line wrasse on my cover glass :cry::cry:

He was sweet this morning, swimming about happily. Methinks my stroppy old flame clown gave him the hurry up - grumpy cow bit me when I was moving the clam :evil: Bit me 8 times on Saturday when I gave the tank a spruce up to show it off - drew blood too - miserable %%$$&& :-? His tail looked a bit munched so I think someone was having a crack at him.

Top of the tank is now fully covered up with glass. Never had a problem with jumpers but have now had 2 in about 6 weeks - about the same time as the clowns have been laying :x More of a hassle at feeding time but I guess it beats funerals :o

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

need to keep working on that - may need to build a new house though :lol:

Spent time in Aussie as a kid - hence the moniker "skippy" when I arrived in NZ. Hasn't been used since a few years after I left school, but thought it would be a good username :D

Maybe I should change my avatar :lol: I' ll see if I can find one somewhere

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Found one :D:D:D

Yeah Fay, I read about your clown - bummer :cry: It's even worse when it is one of a pair.

Had the same deal with a pair of true percula's. The story I was told is that they were imported together, with their anenome. True story or not it rips ya when they go horizontal. How long had you had your clown for?

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Since October,

Yea my six line talks to me turns from side to side at me I love him he used to be very shy and kept in the rock work, but a real show off now.

You will have to get another they are a great fish

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Yeah he was a neat little guy so will probably will try and get another one. :( Had a bicolour blenny that jumped as well. He was very cool - used to play hide and seek with me :lol:

Glad you like the avatar

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Skippy,

I don't know how your tank is set up, but watch for temp. changes with lid closed. I had my tank running for about 6 months (open lid) firefish gobie bailed out. :cry: I closed the lid so no one else would follow his lead. I didn't think about heat accumulating from the lighting :oops: Next thing I knew temp. had crept up to 88! (it took about a week) I know I should have noticed sooner, but sometimes I barely have time for feeding and head count! Luckily only 1 casualty, but of course it was my favorite. My flame angel! :cry:

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Hi Venustus

Thanks for the advice re the overheating, but I am ahead of you there. Have left a bit of a feeding strip between the glass panels which helps heat to dissipate (helps with feeding too :D )

BTW - 88F is about 31C - which is way too hot if you are a fish :o



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