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Moving an existing tank???


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You should be fine to move the tanks and set up again if you are not moving too far and you can get it done in 3 - 4 hours.

You must try to keep at least half of the tank water and get some containers to transport this that are manageable when full of water.

With the other half of the tanks water it is best to use this to wash the gravel before you set up the tanks again or you will get very cloudy water until it all settles again.

Keep the filter media wet also.

get a some fish bags and a polystyrene box from the pet store of use a chilli bin for the fish.

good luck

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You must try to keep at least half of the tank water and get some containers to transport this that are manageable when full of water.

Moving the water doesn't really make any difference to the cycling/bacteria in the tank as very little of it is in the water compared to what is on the surfaces of filter media, gravel, etc. But it will make the transfer easier on the fish since the water parameters wont change so much. Also try and aviod putting the water that the fish were transferred in back into the tank, it will have amonia etc in it from the fish. Not a problem if you only adding a fish or two but when your moving all your fish in to a new (all be it cycled) setup it wont help.

If you can try and take off the top centimeter or so of gravel and keep this wet and unwashed before you clean the rest of it. It will contain a huge amount of your bacteria.

Also if you plan on having a well planted tank this is a great time to add something to your gravel for the plants. Aquadic clay works well and is cheap from most plant shops it's sold to use with lillies. Otherwise look into products like laterite from your LFS. Mix the product with your washed gravel and then spread the uncleaned gravel over the top to hold it all down and keep it out of the water. It will make the plants grow far better and save you having to buy and add fertizer later. Also means the fertizer isn't in the water where algae can get at it and most plants feed better via their roots than leaves

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