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furry gills


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one of my guppy girls has furry white stuff protruding from one of her gills. it's causing her great troubles with breathing. it looks like it may be in her mouth as well. she has been removed from the tank.

What is it??

how do i treat it


+/- 200 guppies

2 BN's

2 peppered cories



current temp 24oC

did a test last week

ph 7.0

ammonia .5

nitrite 0 - 0.25

nitrate 10

i have a bottle of Tonic which says it treats mouth fungus. dosage is 1ml per 20L. is this safe for all of the fish in this tank?

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ph 7.0

ammonia .5

nitrite 0 - 0.25

nitrate 10

If your test kit is able to detect ammonia, it is considered lethal to fish. I'd recommend re-testing, and if there is ammonia a 50% water change might be in order and consideration of how the ammonia built up. If the tank has only been running for a short period, then that explains it, still want to reduce that to 0 though.

Hope I've helped in some way, and sorry about your fish :(

This page: http://www.fishyfarmacy.com/fish_diseas ... rders.html suggested it was a 'Saproglenia fungal infection'

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