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Help -- Discus with white patch on gill - both side


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I have three discus with white patches on both side of gill. There is nothing wrong with the water.

I have treated them with Kanaplex, pimaflex, coppersafe and now metronidazole. Nothing seems to work.

Any ideas what else can be done?


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Sorry know nothing about discus...but many here do...you'll hear from them!

More details will help them though:

1) what size tank?

2) any other fishies in tank?

3) filtration?

4) when you say nothing wrong with water, does that mean you tested it?

5) how long has the tank been up & running?

Can you post pics, that might help.

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I'm sorry I don't know what could be wrong with your fish but you have traeted your fish for just about everything from:-

external and internal protozoa(ich/velvet and others), flukes(flat worms), anchor worms, extermal and internal bacterial infections, funge external and internal

Have I missed anything :o

there's not anything I know of left that would cause:-

white patches on both side of gill

:( sorry.

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Perhaps it's the colour pattern? Caserole is right, you've covered pretty much all the bases. Pix please.

By the way, welcome to the forums!

simplydiscus.com is a great discus site.

Thank you for the responses. I finally talk to the store. They said that's normal for the kind of Discus I brought. It is not a disease. I guess I wasted a lot of money on the medi. Lucky I did not kill the fish.


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