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Anyone have an Aqua One 65L Half Round??


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Are they neon tetras? All most all tetra found at the LFS are easy-going community fish. You could try a few Danios - they generally like the upper regions. A couple of Bronze/peppered/albino cory for some activity on the substrate. Other tetras and/or live bearers will diversify your tank, they're cheap and your LFS will have them. I quite like Harlequin and Rummy Nose Tetra, Guppys and Platys add colour. You might already know this but be sure to find out the adult size of any fish you get so you don't end up over stocked. And only add 3-4 at a time each week until your happy with your numbers; less bio load on your filter.

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I have Black neons and silvertips at the moment, had some harlequins in the old tank but they died. I thinking about looking at corys, I've had platys before but they didn't survive long, but that could have been my tank and the way I was maintaining it at the time, so might consider them again.

And yes I am aware of checking out the adult size now (if only I had done that before I purchased a rainbow shark!)

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