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blue gourami


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I had to put my big blue gourami out of its misery today. I had noticed it was swimming funny, kinda on its side and pointing downwards for a few days and last night I realised that I hadn't seen it come out to be fed for a while.

This morning I found it floating on its side on the top of the water - still alive but looking miserable. So I did the evil deed :(

Any ideas what could have been wrong with it? At first I thought it was swim bladder but I'm not sure that floating on its side fits with that.



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And before anyone asks, it was in my big community tank, about 300 litres, and I have no idea what the water parameters are. Everything else in the tank looks fine including the pearl and three spot gouramies.

Cheers again


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Yep, I know Paul, I was really upset.

And thanks Mystic :)

Caryl, I think you might be right. Later on today I noticed one of my big angels hiding in the corner and realised he/she had been doing it for some time. Whenever it tried to come out the other big angel head butted in and chased it back. Maybe it was doing the same to big blue.

I've moved the aggro one into another tank and already the other is coming out and feeding. Wish I'd noticed him picking on the gourami in time.



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