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Problem with guppies getting attacked


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I've been having some problems with fish getting attacked in my tank. It started when I brought a new three spot gourami and a male sailfin molly home, and they bit all the fins off my fighter and killed him.

So I took the molly back, but after a while the same happened to my male guppy. The other day I bought a new male guppy, and the same has happened to him too.

At first I thought it was the three spot gourami, but (after putting him in isolation) when I watch the tank my male sailfin keeps chasing my female guppy with his fin stretched out. I'm confused, because I always thought guppies and mollies are fine together. Could it be because my sailfin is the only male and he needs a female?

My tank is 24", and it's not overcrowded because I recently moved from a smaller tank into a larger one and haven't bought any other fish. I also have 2 clown loaches, 5 neon tetra, a corydoras catfish and a male and a female guppy.

Help would be appreciated before I go and buy some more fish/take my gourami back to the store! I'm not enjoying coming home to find dead finless fish!

(Also, sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm new here. I figured it's about livebearers, so..)

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Hi Elly,

The male sailfin will be making sure he is the dominant male and will probably keep attacking the other fish, especially as he is the only molly. With no female molly and both mollies and guppies being of the Poeciliidae family, he will go for next best (male livebearers aren't fussy). Either get him some females (2 or 3) or get rid of the guppies or he will kill the female.

Those gouramis will also tend to nip whenever they can. I would not keep them with long finned fish. It depends on individual personalities of the fish though. Some people have no trouble with them.

You ought to get more guppies too as a ratio of 1 male to 3 or more females is best or he will kill the female by harassing her to death - if the molly doesn't beat him to it.

Clown loaches get too big for a tank your size. They are very slow growers but get over 20cm.

Corys like company too so a couple of mates for him/her would be good.

Hope this helps. 8)

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Hi Elly,

Great to have you join us :)

Where are you from..?

Would be real nice if you put your location in your profile.

Look forward to lottsa little babies coming your way :)

BTW.. Chances are it "was" the three spot.. but the Sailfin just took over once the competition had been removed.. plus being alone, he would chase anything in the same species range.


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