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My pair of blue rams have laid again in my community tank.. They always lay on the gravel and then eat them about day 3, I really want to save the babies...

Does anyone have any ingenious ways that I can remove the eggs and the gravel without squashing them (or with a minimum of squashing) as im sick of them eating them...



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They dont settle well in a barebottom spawning tank I have alot of spare tanks and gear but they just dont breed in there.. I have tried many times before but they're happier in the community tank.

It is probably their 6th spawn so I cant see them starting to look after them in a hurry, I may just try and take out some gravel they will all be eaten anyway so I might as well try..

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Ryan said

They dont settle well in a barebottom spawning tank

You could put a super fine layer of sand in the tank to help settle them down, remove it once they have spawned same time you remove the adults??

I don't remember you ever saying what temp you keep the south americans at but if its really hot 28 to 30C a barebottom tank should'nt matter, maybe a clump of moss in front of the spawning stone would help too.

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At the moment ive got them at 26 degrees because they're in a community, I thought they were past breeding as they packed a sad in the barebottom.. I fear the male may be on his way out as he's got some bad fungus on his head that I cant seem to clear up.. Its not affecting him but I think it will get him in the end, so wont have a chance for this pair in another tank. Ill try take out the gravel and let everyone know what happens...

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