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Issues with sick platies


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There is something in my tank that seems to be killing off all my platies. I can live with losing a few platies, but not all of them as this seems to be the way it is going.

It first starts off with clamped fins on the platy and sitting on the bottom of the tank. It then progresses onto the platy turning really skinny and sometimes developing a bent spine. The platy then dies.

I have been treating with melafix and it doesn't seem to be working. I know it isn't the water as 1. Water changes don't do much and 2. The glowlights, bristlenoses and betta are not worried by it. So what is doing this and more importantly, what can I treat my tank with?

And yes, I now realise the importance of a seprate tank for sick fish.

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sounds like it may be TB? its the bent spines that make me think this is what it could be as i read something about that back when i was researching it, perhaps its something to look into?

good luck and sorry i couldnt be of more help

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How's your water parameters? Did you buy the all the platties at the same time?

Did a google but didn't come up with much re: bent spine, other than tb and just "malformed" (ah, darn wrong word) fish.

I'm sure you'll get more insight from others though...sorry couldn't help :(

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I went to Wet Pets the other day and had quite a nice chat to Peter. (I think that's his name) Bought some medicine he recommended and dosed up the tank. Seems to working well. I'm pretty sure the problem is sorted. Thanks for the replies, guys. :)

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