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Where to put it?


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Ok, so I found a way to get my spare 4ft going again, and my convicts will be moved over so that my Firemouths can live in peace. I was planning to set it up this weekend, but I just realised I have one big problem...

I have nothing to put it on.

I could just buy a table, but have no way of getting it home :(

We used to borrow a 4WD from a friend of my fathers, but we're out-staying our welcome with that, so its not an option this time, which leaves me with a two door Starion, and an even smaller two door MX5 which doesn't even have a roof to tie things too.

So.... any ideas? Appearance isn't important, but time is :) Tank is 1200x400x400. Any help welcomed!



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2 pieces of 150 x 50 pine, straight as, clear of knots.

4 concrete blocks, 400 x 200.

1 blanket to disguise the above, a sheet of polystyrene to go under the tank,

left over can go on the back to help prevent heat loss.

You now have the necessaries for a tank stand.

Double or treble up the blocks to suit the height.

Alan 104

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Cheers Alan :)

On a bad note I've already lost one Firemouth this morning :(

On a good note my girlfriend is going to let me use her dresser as a fish tank stand, which I did not expect! So looks like I'm in luck.

Now its a case of whether to buy a new tank or fix the old one.

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careful with the dresser, thats 192kg in the water alone. have to make sure its strong, tough wood with enough supports in the right places to be able to hold the tank. it will weigh a fair bit more after you add in all the substrate etc :wink:

good luck with the stand!

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I'm with Sharn... some dressing tables are strong enough to hold that weight but (depending on where the supports are in relation to the tank) your Darling might find the dresser drawers no longer open! That'll be the last time she gives in to your fishie hobby! :lol:

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