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on the turps


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my purple tang, who is battling w/s at the mo, has developed a strong tendency to lie over on his side. :o this only happens when hes slow or stopped and he will tip over to his left (always the same side) no noticeable swelling or other obvious things i can see. this afternoon his w/s seems a bit better and hes eating really well.........any hints or experience appreciated thanks... :)

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when did you buy him?

i got a foxface 10 days ago, it ate algae for a little bit and had great colour (not neccessarly a good thing in a new fish). it retreaded more and more, was lying on its side more often in the last couple of days and died today after i went to work. so i assume cyanide poisoning as his colour looked good for most of the time. i would rule a disease out as this is the first new fish in over a year, none of my other fish have ever been sick and the foxface was only for a very short time at the LFS. and there wasn't really enough time to develop an illness. really pisses me of because i choose the best coloured out of three. without blaming anyone i would be interested how the other two went that were at hollywood at the shore. if you bought them how are they going?

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