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sinking siamese fighter


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I have taken on my neighbours siamese fighting fish.

The fish was assumed dead (eaten by the angel fish) as it hadnt been seen for 5 weeks, however upon cleaning the tank i lifted up a rock and up swam this siamese fighter. I took it into my quarinteen tank (and it keeps sinking to the bottom, I put it into a special net so that it wouldnt have so far to swim to the top to get air (i realise that fish breathe using water but this fish does go up to the surface :lol: ) as it does'nt seem to have enough strength to swim up to the top from the bottom of the tank to take a gasp of air. the fish is still alive as we speak and I'm just wanting suggestions of what I can use to get it off the ground.

If you try to catch it the fish does swim away. :-?

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do you think I should just leave this fish to sink to the bottom of the tank and make his way to the top on his own accord or keep it in the net up the top of the aquarium? Fins on the fish are pretty good, not perfect but still long. His colouring is loooking good and bright.

He is not eating but if I put food right in front of his mouth he will go for it, 1 granual at a time though.

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He is still alive and eating more, at first he was only eating 1 granual of food three times a day (would do it more often but I work), now he is eating about 4 granuals a feed and he actually seems more lively. He still sinks though, I am seeing an improvement so its encouraging. He is looking more fuller too which is great he is also still in the net at the top of the top of the tank, I move the net around a bit as to give him some swimming excersise before he loses energy. :D

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That's good news...hope he keeps improving! :bounce: :bounce:

What kind of net do you have him in, is it the kind they use for breeding?

I commend you on your efforts to help this poor fishie :hail::hail:

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  • 5 weeks later...

fighter is still alive and is now a bottom feeder, he is a lot stronger and will swim to the top of the tank easily, he does sink back down to the bottom, he will sit on the top of the drift wood close to the surface of the water.

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  • 3 months later...

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