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Stevea's tank - up close and personal


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Read this.. it may clarify things.

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/new-ta ... tml#141443

You say:

Since I don't see any published specifications in the FAQ or guidelines and don't have a pm address for Bill Mod, I am not sure I can be bothered.

The site is what it is because the members "DO" care.

Taking the attitude..

I am not sure I can be bothered.

.. is a poor way to go on.

Your second lot of pics.. (as I said).. were fine, and they loaded at four times the speed of your first pic in the first set of links.

I offered you a simple "helpful" solution.. but.. Oh yes.. "You can't be bothered"

Your loss.



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SteveA said:

Nope, spent long enough reducing them from the 2.5Mb files they started as and I have a life to live. In fact I should be living it now instead of faffing round on here.

And we too have better things to do than sit and wait for ten oversize pics to download.


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Not wanting to push the issue.. but RC also has a cap on file sizes..


.. but I see you managed to abide by their regs... (Standard on most sites)

.. and you made them even smaller... (500x396)

Wonderful pics BTW :)

Pity you couldn't be bothered.


There were 833 members online there tonight.

Hope some of them find the time to give you some feedback like you have had here :)


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Yes I did resize them to the same size, 500 pixels being more or less randomly chosen, while I was preparing a few more to add. That occurred after I decided that the RC photography forum would be a more appropriate location for a thread relating to tank pictures. That conclusion was reached when recalling that when I asked fellow reefers whether or not they used a macro lens, the thread was promptly moved to the off topic area. They also have quite a few very serious and very good, tank photographers there, making it a useful venue to receive technical feedback, although this is never guaranteed.

RC do have some general guidelines but still seem quite happy to accept and display full tank shots at quite large sizes, up to 1000pixels being quite common.


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SteveA said:

That conclusion was reached when recalling that when I asked fellow reefers whether or not they used a macro lens, the thread was promptly moved to the off topic area.

This was "possibly" done because the topic had no general classification.. and was placed where most of the off classification topics end up.

A "Photography" section is being considered by the Admins BTW.

OK.. Last resort..

If you want to copy your post from RC with all the links to the new resized pics.. and send me a PM.. I will re-post the links here at the start of the thread which will allow your pics to show up.

Mods are here to help and make things suitable for all members.. no matter what system they use.


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OK.. Last resort..

If you want to copy your post from RC with all the links to the new resized pics.. and send me a PM.. I will re-post the links here at the start of the thread which will allow your pics to show up.

Mods are here to help and make things suitable for all members.. no matter what system they use.

reply was

There is no need to progress this further.

a thanks would / may have been the right answer to his offer, but seems that you can't please everyone!!

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