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Discus Help Please


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Hi all.

One of my discus has lost alot of weight very quickly and is swimming around near the top with all his fins clamped up. I thought it was other things but he is still eating.

therefore i think it is worms and there is nowhere between palmy and taupo that can help?

So can someone please help i don't mind paying for the worming tablets as i know you can get.


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Have you got any Metro Tablet? If yes treat your fish with it. If your fish is still eating put it in the food. Dissolved it with a bit of water and soak your food in it for 5 min then feed it to your fish.

Or crush it up and put it in the tank. 1 tab for 40 ltrs water. Redose after 24 hrs after a 25% waterchange for 5 days. Increase your temp to 33 deg.

You can get the metro from the vet or your GP.

Hope that help.


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by putting 4 little discus with 4 fully grown in a same tank the small one might not get their fair share of food and might be bullied by the big one thereby causing stress.

It is better to grow them up in another tank (barebottom) with plenty of feeding and waterchange daily.

When they are big enough to compete for food you can put them together.

Is the tank they are in a planted tank? If so you have to treat them in a hospital tank so you can increase the temp to 33 degrees with an airstone inside.


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Hey thanks for that. The vet has told me that i need to bring some info on where i got the info from ie vet (with name and number to call) (or print off a website) so they can add it to their file as it is a perscription drug. and what dose? they come in a 200 and a 400!

what a learning experience for me :o

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Got to go feed the fish

this aint no five minute job lol, youd understand if you saw all those tanks :o good luck with your fishies, simply discus had some good articles on hex, maybe print them off along with this thread to show the vet that you do actually need it

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