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I have a friend who has 2 black axolotyls. when she bought them they had big white patches/spots on them. the man at the pet shop said this was normal. those white patches have got worse and are now growing what looks like a fungus on them. does anybody know what this is and how to treat it?

the axolotyls are very lethargic so please help!

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hey, i know a fair amount bout axies so hopefully i can help ya. it is very common for axies in pet stores to have fungus as noone knows how to care for them (ie they eat stones and it can kill them), i bought one that was full of stones (im so lucky he passed them) and anothe who was just a fuzz ball of fungus and had no gill filaments and his gill stalks were snapping from shops :cry: . they would be wildtypes (the colour) and its not uncommon for them to get slightly milky looking patches on them, not really noticable unless you look at them in certain lights though. however if its furry its fungus. best method for getting rid of this is salt baths.

heres a thing i wrote on axies, scroll down (quite far) and you will see directions. http://www.guppy.co.nz/index.php?name=F ... topic&t=10

another link,just to calify i aint making it up- http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/salt.shtml. www.axolotl.org has some other great info on them that could be helpful to your friend :wink:

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