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Quiet High Volume Air Pumps - any recommendations?


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Yeah, I really think you're basing your opinions on the linear air pumps on the chinese knock-offs. The proper Japanese ones can be installed anywhere - unless you're prone to be annoyed by the ticking of second hands on wall clocks, that is.

Went to two large breeders setups in Auckland yesterday. One had air compressors for running the tanks and it was similar to having a lawn mower in the room with you. Then there was the other breeder with a Yasunaga sitting silently on a shelf running.... 24? tanks (this is a guesstimate). He DID have a Chinese version in the other fish room and it was a noisy little bugger but looked the same on the outside.

The more time I spend with *edit* products, the less I like them....

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personally, the ticking of second hands does annoy me... as does the 50Hz hum from electrical items like tvs and those energy saving light bulbs, hence my comment about being able to hear one in the LHPC from the front counter.

anyway, talking about cheap japanese knock-offs - shouldn't we theoretically be buying the european ones the japanese ones are copied from? they out-perform the japanese ones in so many ways its not even funny.

i reckon people just buy what they have seen or heard about, and what they can get their hands on, rather than looking around for a decent alternative.

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i read an article in a trade mag whilst waiting around at Norgren - apparently you can reduce the noise from equipment (read 'pumps') by adding a current smoother to your power circuit.

the theory goes that the vibrations are quieter if they are constant and even - unfortunately home electricity is not quite smooth enough to ensure this.

as the electrictly goes through its tiny fluctuations so does the pump, which might cause it to swing slightly further in one direction, or not quite as far back again before beginning the return trip. this basically causes more noise.

Power smoothers ensure the supply is 'clean', which has been shown to cut down the noise of vibrating equipment. we are talking a whole 5% in one example, but the noise they were talking about was from a 300kg (dry load weight!) washing machine that you needed ear-muffs to be within 10 feet of.

for those of you who have considered adding a UPS to your fish setups, you'll probably already know that most UPS devices contain forms of current smoothing :)

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/me takes a quick poke at Dark...

i reckon people just buy what they have seen or heard about, and what they can get their hands on, rather than looking around for a decent alternative.

So by this do you mean yourself, as an example, walking into the LFS and buying that loud-as pump even though the shopkeeps told you it was a loud bugger or others following personal experience of what is loud or not by looking at the pumps which they found exceptionally silent or loud? In my personal experience I'd never touch your lawn mower with a 10 foot pole, even if it was in a box buried under my house.

Now the silent ones that I see around that run entire fishrooms, like Discusguru, Alan (heard rather than seen), Hutt Pets, etc, THOSE I strive to acquire; and when someone such as yourself make a statement that it's extremely loud and "can be heard from the front of the shop" I go visit the shop and in this case determined for myself that you were absolutely wrong about the noise it emits. I held my head against it and simply heard a tick-tick-tick and hopefully others will do the same. It's a 15 year old pump made by the people that have become Yasunaga and still works a treat. Not only that, there's a huge tank between the front counter and the L.A.P. which filters and aerates a Giant Gourami, so are you sure you're even thinking about the right pump? The one I'm talking about is on top of the tanks in the back, ask Ben to show you if you're not sure.

Not sure where you're getting the info that the Japanese knocked off some European company for linear air pump technology. Must be the Dutch superiority in you taking over ;)

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/me takes a quick poke at Dark...

So by this do you mean yourself, as an example, walking into the LFS and buying that loud-as pump even though the shopkeeps told you it was a loud bugger or others following personal experience of what is loud or not by looking at the pumps which they found exceptionally silent or loud? In my personal experience I'd never touch your lawn mower with a 10 foot pole, even if it was in a box buried under my house.

Now the silent ones that I see around that run entire fishrooms, like Discusguru, Alan (heard rather than seen), Hutt Pets, etc, THOSE I strive to acquire; and when someone such as yourself make a statement that it's extremely loud and "can be heard from the front of the shop" I go visit the shop and in this case determined for myself that you were absolutely wrong about the noise it emits. I held my head against it and simply heard a tick-tick-tick and hopefully others will do the same. It's a 15 year old pump made by the people that have become Yasunaga and still works a treat. Not only that, there's a huge tank between the front counter and the L.A.P. which filters and aerates a Giant Gourami, so are you sure you're even thinking about the right pump? The one I'm talking about is on top of the tanks in the back, ask Ben to show you if you're not sure.

Not sure where you're getting the info that the Japanese knocked off some European company for linear air pump technology. Must be the Dutch superiority in you taking over ;)

you are not a nice person faran

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