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basic parameters


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hmph! figures above are what im trying to maintain but right now...

Kh - 6.7

Ca - 300ppm

Mg - 1100ppm

SG - 1.025


no matter what i do they drop again within a few days

They're supposed to drop in a few days.

The coralks are using them.

Get the levels up first and maintain every 5-7 days with medchem stuff.

I got some here if you need some.

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I realise its gets depleted overtime, just cant believe it gets used so quick.

I got mag chloride here but seem to be adding HEAPS of it every few days until the calcium reactor kicks in (ordered a new impeller from pet planet dont get it til next saturday) i should get some calcium as well to add manually til the reactor kicks in too

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Kh 12.5

Ca 360

Mg not testing yet :-?

SG 1.026

prob stop other tests or only rarely../what do others do?

but just checking as tank new..

Ammo 0

nitri 0

nitrat .5

PO4 .5

Ph 8.4 :-?

oh yeah :oops: new RODI does test PO4 as 0, just remember to rinse test tube first 8)

also is a wide varience in Kh ok??

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