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Can I presume....?

Black Rose

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This is such an awesome site. So great to have pople helping who know what is and isn't available here in NZ. :lol:

I bought my first decent tank about 6 years ago, and started with goldfish. About four years ago I decided to convert to freshwater tropical once my goldfish were gone. Allas, the ugliest looking one was a survivor!!!!! Eventually he (maybe she...) was adopted out to a friend so I could start on the tropicals.

Everything has been going great until a couple of months ago. I lost my anglel fish to "hole in the head" Just after Xmas. Last night I got home to see the smaller of my two red tailed sharks (adopted them from a friend, they had been in the same tank for as long as he had them...) extremely unwell... he passed away by the end of the night. :cry:

I am presuming because everyone else in the tank is ok, that this may have been a natural death. Checked water pH etc thismorning and all seems ok.

This all leads me to a question. Everything I have read so far eludes to the fact that Clown Loaches are very sensitive, can I then presume if he is doing well, my tank is ok?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated....!!!!! Pleeeaaasse :hail:

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I wonder if it was bullied to death by the bigger shark. Red tailed sharks should never be together. They are ok when small but as they grow the bigger one will usually harass the smaller of the 2.

Clown loaches are very sensitive to water conditions so if they are happy that is a good sign.

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