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Red eye tetras?


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I have 3, bought new guy Thursday!

Anyway, I find that they like to "hang" out at the back of the tank near the top. Is this normal for these tetras? Although, I put more artificial plants in my tank and lately they seem to be moving down and around more.

Sorry guys, all I have is artificial plants...really, really scared to try the real thing. The other day Walmart had some plants in, first time I saw them.

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I've had 2 of them for quite awhile now Caryl. The third I bought Thursday as it was the only one they had left.

The first 2 did stay like you've said mostly middle to top, although they do like to "hang out" at the back near the top and near the corner.

But I've just added more artificial plants and they seem to be down and around more so was wondering if having the extra plants could possibly make them feel more secure. Although, when the hand out at the back it's usually in the open :-?

I would have bought 2 more instead of 1 if they had them but since they didn't I got another guppy. Have to keep on eye on my numbers, but since I lost my platy and sailfin I thought I'd have room.

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We got two Black Phantom Tetras, two Yellow Phantoms and three Green Fire Tetras, they used to hang around the back of the tank, and hide.

I called them my 'chicken fish' and we hardly got to see them, which didn't impress the kids much. After a while we got half a dozen Neons for my daughter's birthday and put them in the tank. These guys were pretty fearless from the word go, even the cat sitting in front of the tank playing patsy on the glass didn't bother them.

Anyway, now the other fish come out more since we put them in, and they hang around out the front of the tank - except for the Black Phantoms - whom I think are up to noo good in the corner of the tank!

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