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PBT Part 2 Be Nice


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Greetings - been 'off-line' today cause the lines company decided to do some work. Advertised from 9 to 3 -eventually came back on at 6!

Put my little generator from super cheap to good use though. On one tank of gas it powered my streams and 150 MH.

Went to AK yesterday and visited 'the hole' to get a worm trap. Came away with a trap and two worms...still working out what happened there...

Our PBT is looking good still. Its in its own QT tank and after doing hypo for everything else I am certainly counting on not seeing WS. Even gave it a swim in FW before going into QT tank! It will be there for a full 4 weeks.

When I lost my last PBT the WS went in 3-4 days cycles of severity because that is roughly how long its reproductive stage is.

My recommendation - if you are going to get serious about beating it, do it sooner rather than later.

Shrimps help but when the PBT gets really irritated with WS even the shrimps cleaning it are too much for it to handle.

I think Stop Parasite, garlic, and the rest alleviate the infestations but doesn't eliminate it. It still need the fish to build resistance. That is the big unknown as to whether individual fish will or won't.

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Caught my cleaner wrasse that was in the cube and put him in the big tank hope he is still alive this morning (got stressed) but seems happy to be in with the big boys cleaned the butterfly but the ABT is to busy swimming at 100 miles an hour)

It's going to be interesting to see what happens :o

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He's doing ok Rossco, fewer spots than yesterday but could just be the cycle. hes eating like a pig and I'm soaking is nori in a bit of garlic juice (which he tears into every day). Picked up a cleaner shrimp today at Jansens (last one) but its still settling in so we'll see how that goes.

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My cleaner wrasse has done the trick ABT clean as a whistle :D :bounce: :bounce:

So now I think it was worth having to strip the cube of most of the rock to catch the little bugger he is so happy in the big tank with all the fish the only fish that don't like him are the saddle back clowns but she hasn't got a show of catching him :D

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Been in contact with Pies:

PBT is going fine, I added some new fish with mixed success. I got 30 chromas but there numbers are dwindling, I suspect something is eating them L

The PBT has acted like he owns the tank from day one. My blue tang has whitespot at the moment, but so far none on the PBT, I don’t do anything about it any more, if they are eating then they survive is my observation. Whitespot lives on them forever, so as long as the tank stays clean so they don’t get infected when the cysts pop then all is well.

Taking some rock out soon, open up the look of things up stairs a little I think. Also changing reflectors and lighting system. Will be good, a lot of work though.

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I ain't no expert - but - Baking soda will eventually raise pH but only a bit. Its mainly used to raise ALKALINITY. You could have a big rise in alkalinity and battle to raise pH much.

Sodium hydroxide can be used to raise pH but its probably a bit extreme.

Where's Pies and co when you need them...or Wasp???

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I ain't no expert - but - Baking soda will eventually raise pH but only a bit. Its mainly used to raise ALKALINITY. You could have a big rise in alkalinity and battle to raise pH much.

Sodium hydroxide can be used to raise pH but its probably a bit extreme.

Where's Pies and co when you need them...or Wasp???

Baking soda if raised anywhere between 8 and 12 kH will 99% guarantee the correct ph.

Baking soda is the BEST way to raise ph. (Indirectly through Carbonate hardness).

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