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JBL Spirohexol Review


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So I came across a new product on the market called JBL Spirohexol (imported it, not in any LFSes) which treats hole-in-the-head disease - specifically targeting Hexamita and spironucleous which are the causes of this debilitating infection in discus (primarily) as well as quite a few other fish. Treating with Met seems to be a costly and time-consuming affair and I was really looking for something a little more effective so I decided to give it a try. No reviews good or bad anywhere on the net that I could find so I suppose I'm the first to actually share my experiences.

So, first impression - great value for money if it actually works. Package contains 20 tablets and each tablet treats 20L. This is a one-time dosage and you're supposed to let the water stay for a week and do a 75% water change afterwards. "Persistant cases may require an additional dose" which I'm fine with as long as the stuff works. I've come to trust JBL and hope this stuff doesn't end up giving my discus cancer or something! Other things to note - they mention that additional oxygen should be given during treatment. LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE. I've seen what happens when people shrug this off and lose a tank full of fish. I've added a high oxygenation airstone with a pump dedicated to this tank.

This is now day 2 and the fish look surprisingly alert and readily take food with no sluggishness or lack of appetite. The pills were placed on the bottom of the tank at the base of the airstone for good water circulation of the meds. Meds have turned the water a dark peaty brown colour but the fish seem more relaxed by this than anything.

Will update as time goes by and give my opinions and results from this first week of trials. Seems like a genuine product but I'm not gonna call it until I see some definite results!

http://www.jbl.de/uk/aqua/uk_10037.html for product info.

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I would be interested to know where it came from, its not imported into NZ by the JBL stockists.

Sounds as though its doing the trick.

There are a number of JBL products i would like to see here in NZ but have not been introduced yet

Reef is right, the costs of registering these remedies is thousands of dollars per year.

Malkon is now a dead duck because of the cost to license


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Well I'm not distributing it, selling it, licensing it or even advertising it. Just giving a review of my opinion on using it. Sad that good meds are so hard to find, with e-commerce and the internet I'd find it hard to believe that you can't order in a simple fish medicine from somewhere else in the world for "personal use".

So to answer your questions of where I got it from, it was sent over from family overseas. Suppose it's gonna be hard to get for anyone else so if you want it you'll have to check online pet stores.

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Would men in black suits with nondescript cars show up at your door? Or would they even notify you? Funny thing is, EVERYTHING I've ever recieved by post or courier from overseas has had a green Customs Declaration form aside from this package. And the rellies say that they filled it out... odd.

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Medications have to be licensed (Natural are the exceptions ie: Melafix)

MAF do have the right to either destroy or return the items to the country of origin


Licensing costs approx $3000 per item

3yr trials are done before releasing to the market (even if the product has been licensed elesewhere ie: Australia)

You can see why we do not get alot of medications here in NZ, cost of compliance is prohibitive in most cases

Heard of a guy trying to import Flea Treratment from OZ (Advantage) it was sent back to OZ by MAF



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  • 3 weeks later...

How is the progress with Spirohexol? I've used JBL products for about 7 years. I'm really satisfied with them! It's easy for me to get JBL cause I live in Europe (Ukraine). But today for the first time I used Spirohexol. My discus has been sick for almost 2 weeks now. I've tried other meds, but they didn't do a thing! But instruction doesn't say anything about the temperature. I raised it to 33 degrees. Should it be higher?

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With Spriohexol you don't have to raise your temps or play with your filtration at all, according to instructions. I didn't have carbon in my filters, though. Just do a 75% water change before medicating if you've previously used other meds, and 75% water change at the end of the week. Has saved two very sick adult discus over here. Couldn't be happier.

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People over here usually raise the temp sometimes to 35 degrees when treating discus. I put mine into the separate tank with aeration and a filter without the activated carbon. It's been 2 days. No result so far... The excrements are still white. I know that instructions say 1 week of treatment. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the fish...

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