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Snails Yes or NO ?


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Hi again was thinking do i need snails in freshwater tropical Temp around 26c Have 10 Zebra Danios Juev in there and getting pair of swordtails plus five more and about 7 guppies. Have plants looks cool actually. I was thinking probably some algae eaters. Whats these Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs 500gm would they be good for them, or not.

Thanks again,

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Hi there djay,

To clean the gravel before you add it to your tank, you can either boil it or if it has come out of another tank, just give it a good clean with lots of water, the same goes for any ornamemts that you mave have that you are wanting to clean, you can use a small brush on these too if you wanted. :wink::wink:

Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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Just a note...do not use any household cleaning agents (soaps and such)...not good at all for fishies!

As Lyndyloo said you could use a brush to clean. I have a soft toothbrush and other brushes (for tanks) that only are used for the tanks and nothing else. My buckets...same thing...only used for fishy stuff. Even the cloths I use, only for my tanks and when I wash them I only use hot water no detergents!

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You can use a weak bleach solution to clean stuff (including plants if you just give them a quick dip) two things to know, first make sure you use just pure bleach (the budget stuff is normally the best) dont use bleach with additives like smell etc. And secondly rinse the stuff afterwards until you cant smell the bleach anymore.

I wouldn't bother cleaning your gravel with bleach because it will be too much of a hassle to rinse off afterwards.

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