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Recently purchased the following fish. They were very shy at first but after a bout of whitespot they are now settled and appear happy and well.

1 Jewel Ciclid

1 Firemouth (had another but it died and not sure why)

2 Geophagus Surinamensis (I know they get rather large but supposedly quite peaceful)

I have yet to add a large bristlenose.

I have 4 large rainbows which have been eating plants and considering putting these in and also wondering how electric yellows would be ok with these fish. I know they are africans but they seem to fit into most tanks easily and their colour would be great. I would really appreciate the advice.

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Well from a purist point of view, no. :-?


I have done it before with mixed results, trial & error.

If you try mixing africans & americans, you really have to be careful. Different behaviours, food....the biggest concern are the water requirements for each of the fish.

If you want to buy yellows. I suggest you find out the hardness, ph of your water. Then find a lfs or breeder who has similar water.

The rainbows should do fine also.

ps; how big is your tank & how is the tank set up? eg;rocky, wood, mixture.....

Frenchy :D

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Hi HFF and thanks for the reply. I have electric yellows in another tank at present so water is fine. All these ciclids were purchased from the same breeder and bred in neutral ph. Have Eheim external so filtration good. At present I have teracotta pots and java fern and planning to put in anubias attached to wood. Tank is not an issue, presently only in 3ft 100 litres but plan to move them into larger tank when needed. Also thinking of putting in a red tail shark which is quite large and he should be able to fend for himself. Basically I am looking to get a colourful display of larger fish for people who have no idea that there are cichlids from different areas let alone what a cichlid is. I defintely do not want them to be fighting too much. Also wondering about angels too as they are always popular. If I run into any hassels I can always set up another tank

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