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what are those worms called?


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what are those worms called that come out of the fishs bums? c something wasnt it? and do they look like tiny red things? cause on close inspectin last night i saw several tiny threads that were red coming out of my angel fishes bum. it has to be something alive as they would go back inside her and then come out again... when i find out what these things are i'll start getting onto worming her

thanks all

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Worm her asap and remove to hospital tank. The worms are called Camillanus. Treat using fenbendazole (aka Panacur); mix it in with fish food at a rate of 0.25% and feed for three days, then repeat in three weeks. Capillaria is a common roundworm found in Angels too and the good thing is fenbendazole nails it too.

I have a big bottle of fenbendazole and also some medicated food so if you're over this way let me know.

Levamisole is ideal too, as can be added to the water column and treated for just 24hours.


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ok, im figuring levamisoles gunna be a mission to get so can i use the other wormers commonly used like drontal etc? or do these not treat these specific worms? do you guys think i should treat my whole tank or just my angel and rams (treating rams just to be sure)

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Don't unnecessarily treat the others, and it is recommended you move the infected fish to a hospital tank. I tried drontal on my rams that had those worms and it didn't work, but they were badly infected. The best med is levamisol. I found my rams lost their appetite in the end altogether, so it's hard to use meds that need to be added to food like panacur/fenbendazole. You can always try drontal and see how it goes. You can get the drontal plus tabs from your local vet.

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