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Just starting out with Cold water Fish, need help.


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I was hoping that some one can tell me the difference between fresh water and cold water fish, and the setups you'd need for each and say the fish that i could have for either. Sorry to be a nuisance but thought best to find these things out first before jumping in boot's in all and messing it up. I'm on a budget so if anyone can help me any info on the above would be much appreciated.



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Hi Evil

thanks for that ,

not to confused so in other words I could have cold water salt fish which is called, like you said below. Or I could just have cold water goldfish one right.you can also have cold water marine (salt water) fish or tropical marine fish

Tanks again.


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Hi Dianne.. Welcome to the NZ Fishroom.

Could you please add your location to your profile, as it will help avoid a lot of un-needed questions on location.. shops... pricing etc.. :)

Coldwater (Freshwater) fish include Goldfish of many types.. and a few other species like White Cloud Mountain Minnows.. Paradise Fish.. some of the Barbs and such.

These can be kept in an unheated tank or outdoor pool.

Tropical (Freshwater).. are normally kept indoors in a heated aquarium.. and the species are numerous.

Coldwater Marine is a "very" specialised area, and not really for the beginner.. and is very costly.

Tropical Marine.. as above.. also very costly.

HTH :)


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If you are on a budget then I would first recomend that you go with cold water fish.

ie, fantails, comets, white cloud mountain minnows, danios, corys, rosy barbs, celestials, inanga, etc.

the bigger the fish you get the bigger the tank you will require. a nice size tank to start off with is a smallish one of about 54 litres 60 x 30 x 30cm

you will need also require the following

- filter... Hang on Back ones will do nicely and not very expensive

- Gravel

- Plants

a good beginner fish I would recommend is the White Cloud Mountain Minnow, as they are very easy to look after and will breed quite quickly

Hope that helps

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Hi am hopefully picking up a Tank which i've bid on ,on trademe size75cm w x 45cm h x 41.5 D.

air pump precision SR9500

gravel filter 3 foot cut to size

and polystyrene for bottom

Could you tell me how many litres that holds if you know

Thanks again for that


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I actually have for pet rats,

thanks very much for that someone told me about 75litres I'll have to work out what i can put it on aye to be on safe side.

It does have a broken top support I was thinking putting another piece of glass on top of it but that mightent work do you think, or otherwise get new peice for it. do you know how youd get the broken one of the tank without breaking it.

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