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Spawning gourami in a community tank.


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It seems my 2 gourami have spawned and now I have heaps of eggs attached to large leaves in my community tank. I have left them there as I didnt think I had the time or skills to care for them properly.Now I am wondering if there is anything I can do to save them. They were laid last night sometime after 12pm.Any suggestions?

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just thinking i know its hard would a coke bottle with the top cut off and smill holes in it but over the plants my save them but would need to be verry smill holes tell the hach then but them in a trap just i ider

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Gouramis spawn on leaves at the surface ywork so fish can eat the eggs from below. Putting a coke bottle over the top would not help in this case.

You could try slowly moving a container underneath, so as not to disturb the nest, and lift the lot out. Otherwise I would just leave it and see what happens.

If you want to try breeding them, put them in a separate tank, make sure there are leaves on the surface they can use to help hold their bubblenest together and make sure the water surface is calm.

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I decided to leave them as I didnt expect them to spawn so quickly and I have no place set up for young fry yet. I think it would be safe to say that the eggs have been eaten and disturbed by the very small airflow I left going in the tank :( but If they spawned once they will again and this time I will be ready. Thanks.

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