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Fishy guru's required within........


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Hi there.

As part of my research before setting up this new tank I have, I would like to know if I can add Gourami's, certain ciclids and other biggish fish to a community tank holding:

neon & glowlight tetra's


Golden & cherry barbs




BN catfish

Emerald Eye rasbora


Albino catfish

I will be adding a redtail shark too. Maybe some more BN catfish.

All thoughts, ideas, suggestions and ramble appreciated.

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The new tank is 450L. When I add my original fish to the new tank, there will be a fair ammount of room for a few bigger fish. That's why I thought gourami and or chichlids.

As far as cichlid species, I'd like all recommendations so I can research the fish. Preferably a species that will tolerate a community tank.

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The new tank is 450L. When I add my original fish to the new tank, there will be a fair ammount of room for a few bigger fish. That's why I thought gourami and or chichlids.

As far as cichlid species, I'd like all recommendations so I can research the fish. Preferably a species that will tolerate a community tank.

What size (e.g measurements) is the tank. How many of which fish in it do you currently have?


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As previously mentioned your Gouramies will be fine as for cichlids you could try:


-dwarf cichlids (kribs/rams/cockatoo's or similair apisto I had a pair of rams and cockatoo's breeding in my small community until I recently got them a breeding tank each and they didn't hurt anything)


-firemouth (may get too big and eat a few smaller fish but I did successfully keep a breeding pair of them in a community similair to the one you have and if you get a nice male they are impressive but they dig up plants)

I have also heard of people keeping electric yellows in a community tank and I used to keep a brichardi in a community tank as well but I dont think they are recommended.

The main thing to look for in a cichlid is something not too nasty, something that wont get big enough to eat anything else and get one or 2 of the same sex so they dont pair off (unless its a dwarf and you'll probably get away with a few pairs in a tank your size) and take over your tank..

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As previously mentioned your Gouramies will be fine as for cichlids you could try:


-dwarf cichlids (kribs/rams/cockatoo's or similair apisto I had a pair of rams and cockatoo's breeding in my small community until I recently got them a breeding tank each and they didn't hurt anything)



I find Angels far too tempremental to bother with.

Dwarf Cichlids are always a good choice, But apistos and Cockatoo's can be very aggresive, i would tend to steer clear from those. Kribs and Rams are really neat fish and aslong as you have plenty of females to males your fine.

Keyholes are awesome cichlids and are very gentle, would be an awesome addition to your tank (if your interested i will be aquiring a few from down south soon, as i have found them very hard to source here in wellington)

Do not get Firemouths, they get big and will eat small fish and are ugly regarless of there colouration.


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What size (e.g measurements) is the tank. How many of which fish in it do you currently have?


The tank is 1500L x 600H x 500W.

Number of fish I have are:

6 Blackwidow's

2 Platy's (and one baby)

1 Guppy

5 neons

4 Glowlights

4 Swordtails

3 Zeb danios

8 Emerald eye rasbora

2 BN catfish

1 Albino catfish

2 Golden barbs

3 Cherry barbs

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As previously mentioned your Gouramies will be fine as for cichlids you could try:


-dwarf cichlids (kribs/rams/cockatoo's or similair apisto I had a pair of rams and cockatoo's breeding in my small community until I recently got them a breeding tank each and they didn't hurt anything)


-firemouth (may get too big and eat a few smaller fish but I did successfully keep a breeding pair of them in a community similair to the one you have and if you get a nice male they are impressive but they dig up plants)

I have also heard of people keeping electric yellows in a community tank and I used to keep a brichardi in a community tank as well but I dont think they are recommended.

The main thing to look for in a cichlid is something not too nasty, something that wont get big enough to eat anything else and get one or 2 of the same sex so they dont pair off (unless its a dwarf and you'll probably get away with a few pairs in a tank your size) and take over your tank..

Thanks, you have given me a place to start with research.

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Keyholes are awesome cichlids and are very gentle, would be an awesome addition to your tank (if your interested i will be aquiring a few from down south soon, as i have found them very hard to source here in wellington)

Do not get Firemouths, they get big and will eat small fish and are ugly regarless of there colouration.


Thanks, and I agree about the firemouths.

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I agree with most here , G's will be great for that setup, with kribs and rams also fine as long as when they breed they have room to stay away from the others , or should i say the others have room to stay away from them :)

Can't wait to see the finished tank , with all the thought your putting in I'm sure it will be awesome :)

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