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clown fish


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I don't know why

But I have had trouble with keeping my clown fish alive.

I have a yellow tang, two chromis, coral beauty, manadrin fish, a royal dottyback, and now one clown after the otherone died yesterday.

Only ever lose clown fish. Now I have to find another female

The list

1st one jumped out. so I modified the tank to stop that occuring again.

2nd one stopped eating and starved after the first one jumped out.

3rd and 4th got from a shop with a disease (one to relace the first sick one they sold me, and that had the same sickness)

5th got a bubble eye thing, and as soon as she was getting better she just died.

This is within a year so I'm not happy. :(:(

As my aim to to have a happy little tank with all animals suriviving together.. I am more sad for the lost soles in the tank.

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Now I have to find another female

why? buy a small male and one will turn into a female rather quickly.

if you get a new female and your old fish started changing sex you may be into trouble.

with all animals suriviving

just surviving? or thriving?

are any of the fish chase the new clowns when first put into the tank? as most of your fish are very territorial.

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how do u tell male from female clowns (dont be rude)

males lift a fin when doing weeee's. :wink:

no serious, buy from a tank that has lots of small clowns and get a smallish one. it will be a male as the hirachy has not been established yet.

all clown fish are born as male.

but if you have lots of bullies then it may not work and you new purchase may end up as dinner!! :(

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Fay: I feed them twice a day.

Flake for breakfast (combination of "tetra" spirulina and "tetra marine flakes "rainbow blend)

Then some nights flake, others brine shrimp (pre-frozen) or Marine mix (pre frozen seafood mix)

All in really controled amounts. I have stopped using coral fluid and that has improved water quality alot.

Also it does not help with that dottyback hassling the tank... and nipping at anythhing smaller (manadrin, chromis, and clowns who use the anemone as a defence against him)

(but moving the tank today so I am sure I am going to catch him now) :bounce: :bounce: . :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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