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Dont like being alone?


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i setup an 3ft bare bottom tank with 2 discus, 3 neons and everyone was happy moving around the tank.

about a week and a half ago i took out the neons and ever since my discus hides in the corner and never swims about the tank

anyone know whats wrong? they dont like being on there own?

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Hi evil_elmo, discus prefer to be in groups of at least 6. The more discus the more confident they are to venture out like most fish. I would say the reason with the neons is they felt more secure because the neons would fall prey before they do, they are more confident fish and are happy going to the top to feed whereas discus prefer to be midlevel swimmers and feeders for the most part. The neons are an early warning system for them.

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Hi evil_elmo, discus prefer to be in groups of at least 6. The more discus the more confident they are to venture out like most fish. I would say the reason with the neons is they felt more secure because the neons would fall prey before they do, they are more confident fish and are happy going to the top to feed whereas discus prefer to be midlevel swimmers and feeders for the most part. The neons are an early warning system for them.

that makes sence, maybe the neon should go back in

just wanted to spilt those two discus from the others so they can maybe breed if i'm lucky

thanks for your help

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Hey evil_elmo!

We had a similar experience a few weeks ago when we started stocking our first tank... We started off with 3 Sparkling Gouramis, amongst others, and they were REALLY shy, hiding the whole time. After we added our Danios, who are the exact opposite of shy, they started to come out and after a few days they were all over the tank :)

We've never had Discus so I can't really say what it is but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents :D

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Have you tried adding a pot plant to give the discus somewhere to hide? Perhaps the 3 footer isn't deep or high enough... Another point is that neons can be VERY hard to catch.... was it a long chase? Your discus may stil be scared from the experience. I would add a potted sword first and then think about more fish. Good luck with them!

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well im not that knowledgable on discus, i have four babies myself but they are in a tank all to themselves. it took them a good 5 days or so to get used to me, i keep my presence to a minimum when they were settling in and now they come up to be fed! maybe they are sulking? ive heard of alot of other cichlids doing this.

i say give em time, they will get more comfortable once they have sussed their tank out.

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