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Electricity & water don't mix!!


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I had a lucky break yesterday. Was sitting at the computer and heard a faint buzzing noise behind me. Turned around and saw sparks coming from the multi-outlet the filters, heater and thermostat are plugged into. It then started to smell a bit.

The small AquaClear I had hanging on the end of the tank as a spare had developed a small leak. The water had run down the cord, which was OK as it was looped, but more was dripping slowly off the base of the filter where the motor attaches to the plastic, straight onto the plugs! Normally the outlet isn't so close to the tank, for that very reason, but it had been bumped closer when a nearby box had been moved.

If I hadn't been home I hate to think what would have happened!

We unplugged it, dried it out and replugged everything back in - minus the leaking AquaClear. The multi-outlet is now well away from the tank. At the moment it is still on the floor but I will get Grant to attach it to the wall so if the tank leaks - heaven forbid! - the plugs will not get wet.

Let this be a timely reminder to you all to check your plugs are not where they can get wet as water and electricity don't mix!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Caryl

Very wise. I love almost anything DIY. I work with 240V like other work with their torch batteries. One chap wante to know about a DIY substrate heater. I would not dare to make anything 240V which goes into the tank. Deadly for you and the fish.


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