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Paradise Fish with Split Tail?


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Hi People

I have a Paradise Fish that is approximately 75mm (3") long (including tail). Over the past few weeks, a few strands at the bottom of the fish's tail have started separating off from the tail and they're becoming lighter in colour. A friend of mine who has more experience in the fish world than I do has suggested that it is fin rot and that I needed to isolate the fish into a smaller tank, then dose the water with Melafix and Promethyasul (contains Mafenide Hydrochloride (24.2 mg/mL), Aminacrine Hydrochloride (3.3 mg/mL) and Malachite green (0.4 mg/mL)), which I did.

Two weeks later on, there has been no change in the condition of the tail and I'm beginning to wonder whether fin rot is the problem - the separated pieces of tail aren't getting any shorter - they're just splitting off from the main section of the bottom of the tail.

Tried to attach a couple of images but doesn't seem to be working - sorry...

Any advice would be appreciated.



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With finrot, the fins are edged in white then get shorter.

It is also possible your pH is too high. This can cause fins to fray and the skin fade until it is whitish.

Is this fish on its own? I assume not if you talk about isolating it. What other fish are with it? Are any others showing similar symptoms? Sometimes their tails split from damage by other fishes.

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Hi Carol...

The bottom "threads" on the tail are getting lighter in colour but they are not getting any shorter.

The fish has been isolated for more than 2 weeks now but there has been no change. The tank the fish is in has blue medication in it, so I'm not sure how accurately I could read a pH test, with the coloured water.

None of the other fish in its previous home are displaying any signs of any damage, etc to fins or tails.

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