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Brianemone's 504"litre" sps reef


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today jimmy brought over a copperband butterfly from another fruitcake here in hamilton, from what i;ve been told the butterfly was a gift to the marine keeper and his tank isnt big enough for it (and he has enough fish as is) he was concerned as it wasnt eating.

i only got home from work and so far it is hiding in the rocks, i would have liked to be home when jimmy put it in so i could observe it from the start. hopefully it will come out and start foraging, im a little concerned even if it does improve as i have some nice big feather dusters that have appeared in the last few weeks.

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well my feather dusters are officially safe.

i think the stress of the transfer to my tank pushed the poor fish over the edge, when i got home it was in the rocks breathing very rapidly, after i wrote the last post i went over to ckeck on it and no breathing at all, so i moved the rock it was behind (small rock) and it floated out in the current (not swam, float)

that really annoys me.

people need to research before spending money on animals to keep as pets.

if if they dont they shouldnt bring them to my house to die, :evil:

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Internet???? its just that the pigeons have trouble flying in the dark! :evil:

You would think that with all the money Telecom is making and paying their employees that they would able to provide a decent line service to their poor customers trying to make an honest buck so they can buy some more fish to recycle back into the ocean and make the pacific economy go around...

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why yes slappers, yes we do.


should be getting a stream late in january when i have some more cash (recovering from christmas)

im thinking ill get a 6100 now and then another 6100 or 6000 and a multi controller in a few months. i can justify waiting untill april for the vortex pumps

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well i set up two tunze 6000's with a multi controller, (they fell off the back of a truck somewhere and i picked them up cheap at otara markets)

i cant say that i was overly impressed but i plan to get the transformer to upgrade them to 6100's so that should increase the flow significantly

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