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Identifying female australe


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I'd advise not to mix the babies of the two colours.

Sometimes you can get a variation of the chocs and you'll end up mixing the strains.

You don't need two tanks tho Alan.

Use icecream containers.

What number are we talking about, and how old are they??


NZKA 104

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Alan he got them both from me.I have hatched out 120 +fry of choc australe from my pair and havnt got one different so i doubt he will aswell.Mixing is fine as long as u can tell the ifference now one should be a lot more golden.I think He has 10 golds and 12 choc or something??


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Thanks for that Kyle

I think all the chocs that we have in NZ are ones that originated from Stu.

He pointed out the diff to me fairly early on in the piece,

and as the original ones that he had weren't straight to start with, there could be trouble coming up.

After a discussion with Stu, it was agreed that to try to improve the colour,

that we should only be breeding from our darkest fish.

IMHO any possibility of crossing should be avoided at all cost.

At the moment I am trying to develop what I call an "apricot" colour.

That is a gold without any dark markings.

I got the colour morph male and chose the lightest colour female.

I'm now awaiting the colouring up ofthe babies to see how I got on.

The father at any rate, will be bred back with his daughters,

with more emphasis on the lighter ones of those.


Lots more icecream to be eaten I think.


NZKA 104

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Ok sorry alanmin i thought you didnt have space for them anywhere else so yea it is best kept seperate.Alan that strain you are talking about is a really nice strain Look anything like this?http://www.killies.com/gallaustralegold.htm.Well both alans give me a shout if you ever need chocs as i have a lot.I am still spawning the gold for you alan minery and have seen them spawn heaps so should give u more than 10 so sorry about that.

Cheers Kyle

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Thanks for the info. I have them in seperate containers in seperate tanks in case of accidents. How long before these fry will be big enough to breed. I have a gold male from livebearer breeder via shiu but I assume they are all pretty related. Also have a male gold imported, but at the moment it doesn't look too flash. It has a distended belley.

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Alan M the gld australe i believe have pretty good bloodlines as i know quite a few nzka members refresh there stock via petworld in chch.You say ur male is from South AFrica then ma be wild caught as the killifish association over there is very poor but fish farming is very big in Natal especially Kwazulu Natal.Good luck with the fry.They should be ready to spawn at 2 months if not within if fed properly.

cheers Kyle

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