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Blue Rams laid eggs!


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It must be the time for fish breeding. My blue rams were busy cleaning the surface of a rock yesterday and today they have a clutch of about 80 eggs. They are busy taking turns to guard it. I don't actually expect any of them to survive as they've done it in my community tank - I am busy setting up a breeding tank for next time, but you never know. Has anyone else had success with the rams actually raising their fry in a community tank? The tank is heavily planted

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My barbs all went berserk yesterday. Can only put it down to Christmas excitement or a sudden change in barometric pressure 8)

Good luck with the rams. I haven't kept or bred them myself. What other fish are in with them and what size is the tank?

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Hi Caryl,

the tank is 80cm x40 x 40 I don't know what that converts to in litres.

I have 5 Pearl danios and 5 long finned zebras, 11 neons, 9 glowlights, 2 bristle nose, 3 julii cats, 2 panda cats, 3 rams (2 males 1 females) 2 flying foxes and I think that's all :D Gee it sounds like a lot for the tank doesn't it, but they've been in this set up for around 5 months so far with no problems.

They all live very happily together, the tank is heavily planted and has lots of rocks and caves.

I'm getting a 40 x40 cube made to breed fish in, I think this will be fun, I'll plant it out too and have it as little holiday house for romance for the fish :wink:

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