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Anyone keep Uaru's


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Does anyone have experiance with Uaru's ? The reason i ask is I have been offered a breeding pair . From what i have read they require conditions the same as Discus . My long term plan is to have them with my Discus in a 1200 l Amazon bio type tank . My only reservation is they could be a bit to hard on plants .

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Thanks for the replys . From what i have been told they are a young pair and have layed eggs a few times but have not raised any young yet . (Sounds like my discus ) . Hopefully with the right conditions they will get there act together . I will put some photos up when i get them in a couple of weeks .

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a friend of mine has one and it is not shy and will eat any plant that goes in the tank,he has lived with other cichlids for about 2 years now and seams very hardey,

if thay are offered to you i would grab them because he has been looking for a partner for it for a long time with no luck,very hard to find.

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It's my understanding that Uaras can be sterotyped as shy due to lack of human interaction, just like discus. I always work hard to try and break that preconceived notion with anyone that sees my tanks. My discus will generally come to the front of the tank and line up (cuz they think we're all walking fridges) unlike some tanks where they scatter and hide with any movement in the room. As long as they're raised properly that shouldn't have any problems with being shy at all.

Alan- never heard of that before, thanks for the info!

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