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Blue rams in 2 Foot (600mm) tank


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I think i might move my junivile blue rams that i got from kevin_wtgn into my 2" planted tank. However not sure if the bioload will be too much. The tank is extremely well cycled, been running for 10 months with almost zero problems.

It is quite heavily planted, reasonable gravel bed depth, may add Daltons propgating sand if the move happens, running a twin fish 280Lph internal filter.

Could i put 15 2cm and 15-20 1cm blue rams in here or do you think it would be pushing it? I will move them once they are large enough to defend themselves in my angel community tank.

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Hi Bluetom.

I would think that you just may get away with it... but when they get to 3cm I would start taking them out. My 2 pairs of rams are only 3cm and they are spawing quite regularly.

You may want to add some peat into your filter or tank to soften the water though. and bring the temp up to 28 degrees C

note that at 2cm they should be ready for spawining


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Just wanted you to know the java is looking good wrapped arounbd my drift, Its already looking richer witht he C02 I have going thro' my powerhead. About Daltons Propogating Sand.... its looks great in the tank, hower took about 1.5 hrs to clean and only at the end did I figure out the fastest way, Take the bigest dish (60cm dia) and shallow ( 10cm) put in some sand and use a hose with a good waterhose diffuser and dig into the sand, due to the shallow, large surface area the sand / clay will just roll off........

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simfish: thanks for he tip, still trying to find some, most of the kings plant barns i have gone to don't have any. Good to hear java moss is going well. Need to see some pics of your setup soon

wok: do you reckon all of them plus 10 neons or is that too much, the neons are a pain in the #### to catch! :D

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Nah .... parents are still eating eggs.

looking at setting up another tank for the other pair of rams. don't know whats happening but I will get at least 1 batch of eggs every week. Getting tired of getting my hopes up.

Will put a post up WHEN they do have fry and looking after them :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Mine laid eggs in the community tank so I've now set up a 40cm square beeding tank for them with plants. I introduced them yesterday and am hoping they will lay again soon.

they're beautiful little fish! I noticed they colour up much better when the temp is higher - they seem to dop much better. Also after the female had spawned she really intensified her colour.

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