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Goldfish fry lying on bottom of tank??


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Hi All

I have been breeding goldfish in indoor tanks that are softly aerated. I do not change the water in the first few days of the hatchings lives. I am on bore water that is PH 7.6-7.7 when it first runs in. My goldfish have spawned well and eggs have generally been fertile. Fry has hatched out of eggs easily but barr about one tank they have mainly stayed on the bottom with a small number swimming up. They do not seem to die but the majority of the tank does not lift off the bottom! They are doing this for longer than a few days. Is my PH getting too high with the water sitting for so many days and is this damaging the fry or is it that my tanks are too deep (they are the normal sized glass fish tanks you see in most pet shops) and the water pressure is causing a problem for the fry. Finally most of my mops they hatch on sit on the bottom of the tanks, is that a problem should they be floating?

Any suggestions would be helpful. If it is PH can I slowly run water through the eggs all the time to keep PH down?

See ya Faye

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I have never seen that problem with goldfish but I have had it with angels and we called them belly sliders. They move about on the bottom on their side but never rise up. That was caused by the temperature being too low. Hard to imagine that being a problem for goldfish unless there was too quick a drop in temperature for some reason.

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