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Playful fish


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I felt privilaged today to witness fish at play!

MY two julii catfish, 2 panda cats, 2 flying foxes and numerous neons were actually playing in the airstone bubbles. I only put it on briefly each day as it is a bit turbulent but I was amazed to watch first the cats swimming into the base of the bubbles and let themselves be carried up to the top and out then the flying foxes join in doing crazy acrobatics through the bubbles and finally the school of about 20 neons and glowlights tentatively giving it a go. It was hillarious and not the sort of behaviour one normally expects from 'mere'fish!

Unfortunately as I watched one of my nutter abbysinnian cats jumped up onto the glass, shttered it and fell into the tank. Noone was hurt thank god except said cats' pride. That will teach her! :lol:

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Hi there,

yes it is, they do it everyday now, As soon as I turn the bubbles on the julii cats are the first in and they play in the bubbles most of the day. It's brilliant they get more and more daring, the neons are like a little herd of japanese tourists, all lining up neatly to give it a go one at a time but the cat fish all do it together. The flying foxes come into it very casually and do spectacular flips in slow motion through it.

After witnessing this I'm seriously thinking I should give up eating fish.

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