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Fry deaths


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During a typical water change after syphoning my 2ft breeding tank containing 100+ zebra danios I thought I'd use the water in the hose outside as its normally a bit warm on a hot day.

Normally I just use coldwater from the tap as its prob around 18 degrees.

Anyway the water I added didn't raise the tank temp. noticibly although I did add it quite quickly.

Then less than an hr later (prob. 10-15mins) the fry started dropping like flies, and over the space of 4pm Wed to midday Thurs they had all succumed to my incompetience :evil: (or :oops: )

I did quite a large water change but this probably only delayed the poor fellows plight.

The fry had been free swimming for about a week, during which time none had died so I thought I was over the most difficult part.

Other factors that I thought might have been the cause of death are

1. fouling from apple snail waste (fed lettuce) or the egg yolk mix (I syphoned daily)

2. A red alga becoming more prominant

3. I hadn't fed powdered flake for a few days alongside the egg yolk ( I used powdered vege tablets instead, for variety).

The reason I think it was the tap water was because they started dying so soon after I added it.

Any ideas or thoughts anyone? :-?

BTW 2 swordtail fry which I rescued form the comm. tank on Sun survived in the same tank.

Happy fishkeeping,


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Sorry for your loss. :(:(

How much water did you change and what is the ph of the tank and the water supply normally??

The guys down at Hollywood Fishfarm have told me that in the Wiakato region there are some changes in the amount of chlorine that is used in the water treatment facilities. I know your not in the Wiakato, but could this be a reason??


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Howdy Blueram :)

Changed about a third then another third later on, this meant about half of the original water was changed.

pH is normally 7.4, I forgot to take the water sample I'd got with me when I went to the LFS :evil: .

Water around here comes from the aquafers and its not chlorinated.

Cheers for your input :) ,


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what is the hose made of that the water was heated up in?

If it was ordinary garden hose and if the water was sitting in it for a while it may have picked up sufficent toxins from the plastic to cause a problem. I know if I haven't used our garden hose for a day or so, the water that comes out of it has a strong plastic odour.

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Thanks Midas,

It is just an ordinary hose, sounds like you might have solved my problem!

I'm going to put some fat and thin zebra danios in my breeding tank tonight, so as long as they stay away from whisky and hose water hopefully they'll be alright!



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