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First Mouth Breeder fry


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Just to let you know , we followed some great advice tonight and cought a malawi cichlid from our chiclid tank that had babies in its mouth and Stu you were spot on!!

I carefully opened her mouth head down and out they swam, a total of 13 quite large fry, some dark and some light but all fairly large, if they had come out in the tank they would not have stood a chance , so again Stu , Thanks :hail::hail::hail::bow::bow::bow:

there is still a couple in there but we don't want to stress the mother any more so we have left them with her, maybe they have more room to grow , who knows but at least we saved these 13 :)

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kool congrats on the fry, what sp. of mouthbrooders were they?? my copadichromis borleyi bred for me this afternoon, i was watching them and the female had quite a mouthful (50 or so) and they were breeding still but then the female tryed to lay eggs but none came out, she did this a few times but nothing happened, she probably ran out of eggs because the auratus male keeped on eating them. fingers crossed for this batch. i tend to strip them after a few days and hatch the eggs myself, the tank they are in is quite crowded so the females tend to spit out the eggs within a week of breeding because they get stressed. the other female is also ready to breed now, along with the venustus (almost bursting) blue lumpheads, and baenschis (my last batch fungused because i didn't do enough water changes on them :roll:

hope that wasn't too long and boring

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: whoopeee hahaha i love this one

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